Monday, April 20, 2015

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Tips for using linear Burn and Dodge in Photoshop

Step: 1

In the panel of adjustments you will need to make new layer adjustment button after load the picture in photoshop.

Then you have to rename the layer to Dodge from the layer panel.

Step: 2

Now if you want to brighten the picture you need to find the spot which is lightest on your selected image then you have to click on the skin part which is more light and after that you need to drag your cursor slowly on the picture and the picture will start to bright up, all you can do by clicking on the hand icon which you can find under the word preset in the properties panel.

Step: 3

You don't need to give an effect to your image if you want to use burn and dodge tool on some of areas. To do this you will also need to hide this effect with the help of which is called negative layer mask.

To invert it to black you just need to press Cmd + ctrl + I by clicking on the white rectangle in the dodge layer option.

Step: 4

As you did previous, now if we want to darken our selected picture you have to do the same for areas you want. As we remember that what we did in step one which is we renamed the layer to 'Burn', we can create a second layer.

step: 5

In this step, this time you need to click again on the hand icon which is under the word preset, within the selected image you can find the area of the skin which is more dark, from there you can darken the picture by dragging down with you cursor.

Step: 6

In this next step we have to hide those effects , we have to press cmd + ctrl + I after select the white rectangle which is in the burn layer.

Step: 7

In the next step as we have already setup the dodge and burn layers we can begin the next process which is we can start to blend in the areas of dodge and we have to burn if we want to give our image more sharp look with.

Step: 8

You can setup you brush transparency to 10-20%, then we have to select the dodge layer from the layers panel, we can start using the brush with large sweep strokes along with the apples of the cheek, do this on the center of forehead and with the nose of the bridge.

Step: 9

In the next step , we need to make the size of the brush small to give more detail in the eyes, we can do this in the lips which is highlighted and in the fill up.

Step: 10

In the next step we have take a look on burning in some of shadows. we will revert back to big version of the same brush and then we need to click the burn layer which is in the layers panel.

If we want to give more contrast to the image we need to fill in the ares under the cheekbones and also do same with around the edges of hard line and jaw.

Step: 11

After doing that we can use the small brush to get more details of the on the eyebrows and on the contours of the lips.

Step: 12

Next if we want to give the stronger effect of burn in the image then from the layers panel we should change the mode of burn of blending mode to multiply this.

Step: 13

In the next step after you have made your changes, you can separately give the fine tune both dodge and burn layers by using the transparency slider for each of them from the layers panel.

Step: 14

After that we can let continue changing as normal first we have to highlight both of the layers with press shift + click which is on the icon of add group in order to add them in to the group. Rename the Dodge burn group.


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