Step: 1
First of all download and open the file "magicfantasy.psd" click here to download the file and then create a new layer. now you have to fill the canvas with pink and put these (c12 m30 y0 ko) now change the blending option to color. now create again a new layer then select a round and soft brush. change its color to gold (c20 m15 y65 k0) now go to brush settings and change the brush size to 300 px. do a single click on the center of the canvas then resize the layer before you work on top of your picture for smooth color transition effect.
Step: 2
You have to create snow effect. take your toothbrush and dip the toothbrush into paint. for better control of brush you have to wait until it will dry, wet toothbrush is hard to control. if you want to
get depth in the illustration, shake few large drops on the paper. after
that capture an image of the paper then open the file in photoshop.
Step: 3
Select the photo in photoshop which you had captured , and select
Image >Adjustments > Desaturate. Go to Image / Invert, Now Select Image
/Adjustments/Levels now increase the contrast, input value should be
change to 60, 1, 244. Import to your illustration
Step: 4
Select the blending mode to screen, now you have to move this layer to top of the other layers. Open the file "model,psd" move this model where
you have created your illustration below the snow layer. Copy the parts
of the painting layer and now place them over the model hair.
Step: 5
Creating a greatest light effect. Create new layer make a rectangular selection to both sides and then fill a white to transparent gradient.
Create another selection as shown in the image after selection hit delete button. Go to filter / Blur / gaussian Blur set radius to 50 percent.
rotate that layer move it behind the model.
Step: 6
Now you have to make soft rays of light move it over the model. Now
create a new layer, Create a selection ass described in previous step 5,
now you have to select soft round brush tool then set the brush size to
2,500px. You have to brush it outside selection so it will look that the
light is fading out and move it a bit lower. Now you have to merge both
layers, resize, and duplicate them as many time as you want. The snow layer should be applied very softly right here.
Step: 7
Now you need Adobe Illustrator open it then create custom brush. For creating a custom brush you will need ellipse tool then create a shape like shown in the pic.
Step: 8
Select the selection tool, on the right side of the circle select the point and drag it out to the right. To select convert anchor tool press
(shift+c) button, then click on anchor point to
get rid of handle bars drag the anchor point
and make it a sharp corner. Repeat with the
same with the other corner.
Step: 9
With the selected shape , go to the effects/warp/flag and the horizontal
bend should be set to 100 percent. Now you Have to Select Window/brushes
and then open the brush palette. The new shape you have made move it to
the brushes window select this brush as new art brush.
Step: 10
Draw few shapes as shown and select the brush which you have created in
step 10. Make smooth lines change the stroke size if you want to change
choose which shapes you have made the best and copy them to photoshop.
go to layer/style/outer Glow, change the blend mode to color Dodge and
set the size to 150 px.
Step: 11
Lets do some fun with random settings and layer opacity. Try to Create
perfect and beautiful light shape, once its done change the layer order
move them front of the model others behind the model.
Step: 12
Create new layer then change blending mode to color doge. Set the color to white now select soft round brush. Change the brush spacing to 70%
by go to brushes menu, change the scattering to 480 percent, jitter to
55 percent. Now altering the diameter of brush, start brushing on the
canvas areas.
Step: 13
Our project is almost complete. Select brush with white color and then start to placing different sized dots all around the image on new top layer. Be careful to the model's edges that don't sit well. This will help
you to give great lighting effect.
Step: 14
This is the final step. Now we will add more elements like
Butterflies,Fairies. Put some vector and hand-drawn elements and pure some
music on and imagine few great elements which could be fit to the project. Now everything is done, flatten your photo, convert to CMYK.
Now go to Filter/ Sharpen/ Sharpen image, you have to increase and perfect the levels and saturation as perfect as you can.
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