Monday, April 20, 2015

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How to create the photomontage using photoshop

Step: 1

Open the model which u wanna use. Select the pen tool, Carefully outline

the model. Be 100 percent sure to follow the shape of the model's body

exactly, at this point don't worry about being exact around her hair. Once

the outline is done. Right click anywhere on the screen and select the

make Selection. Now  press (m) or select marquee tool and select layer

via cut.

Step: 2

Change the backdrop to a deep color (am using purple here) to see white

color which is left behind the model's hair. Now select the top head of

the model using the marquee tool (m), go to the select/color range and

with the dropper select white. Now  use the Quick Selection tool or press

(W) deselect anything on the layer or simply press ctrl + D. Now press

 Ctrl + X.

Step: 3

Use small size, hard eraser or press (E) return to extract the remaining

white residue. Open the brush palette, select shape Dynamics, now set the

minimum diameter to 70 percent. Size the jitter to pen pressure and in

other  Dynamics Set both Values to pen pressure. Now begin to repaint the


Step: 4

Select background layer add gradient with angle of 37° with black to pink

color. Now open the silk Image, stretch the image to fit, then add a

black color overlay, then set the blending mode to color. Now use the

levels palette Ctrl + L. Now bring the value on the right from 255

to 235. Now convert the layer to smart object and blending mode to


Step: 5

Right click on the silk layer and duplicate it or press Ctrl + J

change the blending mode to soft light. Select layer / new fill layer /

gradient fill and now create another gradient with color similar to

the photo which shown right here. Now use the Dodge and burn tools on

the difference layer to make the silk more vibrant if it is necessary.

Step: 6

On the new layer use soft brush, start painting the highlights and the shadow around the corners of the silk. In the image we i used a bit of

white in the top right corner and small section of purple in the bottom

right and left. So this adds variety to the color scheme.

Step: 7

Make the layer with the model on it visible again. Create a layer below the model and set the blending mode to Overlay. With a large, soft brush begin to paint black onto this new layer to give the silk a more sunken-in look around the contours of the model.

Step: 8

With the model layer selected then select layer/new Adjustment Layer/

curves. Be sure to select Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask before you hit OK. As shown in the photo move the graph line. Now use

the bucket tool or press (G), to restore the girl to her previous state

fill the white box in the curves layer with black.

Step: 9

Using a soft white brush at a low opacity (around 30%), begin to paint the white back onto the black box within the curves layer. This will allow you to darken specific areas of the girl to give her a more refined look. Afterwards repeat this process in a new curves adjustment layer, but move the graph line in the opposite direction to manipulate highlights.

Step: 10

Select the second curves adjustment layer, go to the layer/new adjustment

Layer/levels and again, to create clipping mask click use previous

layer. Now move the white and black arrows at opposite ends side of the level graph, closer to the center to pump up the contrast on the picture.

Step: 11

Now open an image in the file "stomach.jpeg" after that press

Ctrl + L. Now do some adjustments go to adjust levels  until the skin color looks like  the image which shown here. Move the stomach image on

perfect belly button position. Go to Layer > Layer mask > Hide All. Now use

the same brush tool which we had used to paint the hair, Use the white

color to paint the stomach and use black to erase.

Step: 12

Select the Ellipse tool or press  (U) button to select the Ellipse tool,

create a large, dark circle below the first silk layer. Hold Shift and

create a series of white circles on above the silk layer. Now repeat the

same process to create series of black circles, set blending mode to soft


Step: 13

Use the hair brush tool again, create thin outlines over the entire body

of the model. Highlight key areas individual strands of hair, eyelashes

and ridges of the lips. Set both a Color Overlay and a red Outer Glow in

blending modes.

Step: 14

Open the Butterflies image. Use lots of Butterflies as possible to make

the perfect effect. To create sense of depth, leave some of the Butterflies at their original size and go to filter > blur > Gaussian Blur,

set between 1-5 pixels.

Step: 15

With a large, soft brush, sample some of the red backdrop by holding Alt with the brush selected. Paint the shadows on the model’s body with this color. Finally go to Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Levels and add a final levels layer to pump up the color.


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