Monday, April 20, 2015

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The terminator skull effect in photoshop

Step: 1

Use a4 portrait document and open the head and shoulder image file in photoshop. For giving the high bright lighting effect you can use this glitter effect template, if you don't have you can download it from here.

Step: 2

Go to selection tool panel and select the quick lasso tool or press (L). Now select the face with the lasso tool, right click on the face selection and select layer via cut and name this layer (face cut). Keep the layer on the top level on the layers panel.

Step: 3

Select the layer which we named in step 1 (head and shoulder) and select the drop shadow by going to layer menu then layer styles then choose the drop shadow. Set the opacity to 68% distance should be 0 size should be 114 pixels  set the blending mode to multiply and finally spread should be 31%.

Step: 4

Select the layer right click on the selected layer and click on blending option then look at the top right corner you will see bevel and emboss option select inner bevel.

Set it to smooth and set the size to 10 pixels set the depth to 241% and soften should be around 15 to 16 pixels. For shadow and reflection set the altitude 22% and angle should be 90%.

Set the blending mode to linear burn and opacity should be 62% and highlight mode should be black and white color.

Step: 5

Now add the skull template which you can get from google or from here which i have used in my tutorial. Set this skull image below the face layer.

Again create a new layer name it teeth and fill the black paint color in to it, set the blending mode to screen. Go to brush panel and select the brush b tool or press the b button on your keyboard and paint the tooth with white color to make them look more real.

Step: 6

After selecting the layers go to image tab then go to adjustment / levels.

Set the first input level to 0, second to 1.40 and last one to 255. You can see dark circles and wrinkles on her face, we have to make the face look more clean and clear and have to remove the spots by using healing tool. Create new layer rename it with light blue, select the color range or color picker and select light blue color for the skull and start painting the skull area.

Step: 7

Download the picture from google or click here to download the photoshop template and name this layer " ice effect ". Select Polygonal Lasso tool or press the l button in your keyboard to select the Polygonal Lasso tool. Set the ice effect layer set it near the girl nose and mask it to her face.

Select the ice effect layer then go to image adjustment and then levels. Now set the input values, white should be set to 125, black should be set 30 percent and grey input should be 88.

Select big brush tool select the black color in color panel and start to paint the nose area with big brush tool to give the ice effect better contrasts.


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