Step: 1
First launch photoshop and then open the selected picture. Now right click on the background layer you have to convert picture to a smart object.
Step: 2
Next step we need to get the dialogue box of blur gallery by going into Filter options and then Blur Gallery and then Path Blur. Photoshop will automatically control the blur direction and add a straight blur patch to you selected picture.
To control the direction of blur you need to click and drag the end points. You can move your patch to add the curvature which you can find at mid point on the path.
Step: 3
In the next step we have to make extra blur paths on your picture by clicking and drag on the new part of the picture. You have to create a motion path for each of the limb, also you need to make extra one which is for the head and final one would be for the long fabric.
Tip: By the help of radial slider which will popup, you can take control the strength of each individual blur path by hovering an end point of the path.
Step: 4
In the next step we need to go the section of Blur Tools Panel which you can find on the right hand side in the path blur section, next you have to click on the drop down menu and then you need to select rear sync flash, This will create in camera settings and will give a look of frozen strobe flash at the end point of each blur point.
You can also adjust the sliders of tap and speed until you get the right effect you want . Once you are happy with the settings you changed with the blur paths, Just click OK.
Step: 5
In the next step we need to come back on the main screen of photoshop screen, and for now you need to press Cmd > Ctrl + I to revert the created mask to black, you also need to clean up your blur paths this can be happen by clicking on the smart filters mask. After doing that you will notice that the blur effect would be hide. Now, after that you need to use the brush tool (B), Select a brush set which has soft edged and the select the white color for the brush and then you need to carefully use the brush on those areas where you wanted the more movement to appear.
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