Step: 1
In the beginning we need to get a high quality gymnastic girl photo, which you can do by going over a bar. Now you will need to cut the picture of her out of it. You can use any tool you want to cut the picture but i am using an illustrator's Pen tool which is very easy to use when it comes to cut photos, so if you have this then you should use it.
Now we will make a path around her by using the pen tool, and we will refine the picture in photoshop.
You don't need to worry if you don't have Illustrator, then you can just cut the photo out in photoshop as you do normally and you can skip to step 3.
Step: 2
In the second step we need to make a copy paste of the athlete in the photoshop. Then we need to make a marquee selection around her by pressing the cmd / Ctrl + Click on the layer of the photo. Now we need to refine our selection around her hair so that it will look sharp by using the quick selection tool.
Step: 3
In this step we need to make a layer mask, our marquee selection tool can still be active around the athlete while doing this. Next we need to select the mask into our layer and also press cmd / ctrl + Alt + R to get the refine mask menu. Now you need to make sure if you are satisfied with the settings you made.
Step: 4
By using you layer mask You will need to remove some of soft edges around the picture of athlete by selecting a white brush. You have to do this easy you can't do too tight, otherwise it would be clear spotted that the photo was cropped.
Now, we need to remove the bar and the shadows around the athlete's hips and legs by using the clone stomp.
Step: 5
Next, we need to apply a black and white gradient map by opening the adjustments panel and add a adjustment layer of the gradient map.Now we need to apply a clipping mask by pressing cmd / Ctrl + Alt + G which will be base on the picture which is below in the layer stack as shown.
Step: 6
Now you need to make sure that what determine the mood of piece it is a important step before you do anything. One you have satisfied with it then the other things will really help you that what is shown there.
Now, at the top of background we need to make a gradient fill layer as shown there by using the gradient radial. After that we need to determine the shadows on her by adding a layer of adjustment to the athlete with a clipping mask layer.
Step: 7
Now we have created the environment to the picture, Now its turn to add some of the colors to the picture, and to do that you need to double-click on the icon of gradient which you can find on gradient fill layer, after clicking on the gradient editor we are going to use the sliders to give some different hues.
Now next we have to add solid color fill layer and some gradient map adjustment layers to our photo to make some different hues, we can do this by using a blending mode of colors it would look like only the athlete hue is modified.
Step: 8
In the next step we have shown you here that how we use with the help of thin and largely gradient transparent fill layer
to create some thin and angled gradients.By doing this would appear like some kind of a beam that focus in to no limit. In the last you can use a black brush to make a mask some parts of the selected image if you want to.
Step: 9
In the step now its turn to add some movement to the picture. Then you need to mask the super duos parts and also you need to add some radial gradients.
Step: 10
Now you need to add some of the details to the athlete by adding some glows and sparkles. Next you will use a thin white brush and from the high jumper you need to draw the outline around you will draw these outlines around her limbs,clothes and to the clothing detail. Then you need to remove some of the sparkles, After that go into the bottom of layers panel and you will apply an outer glow style.
Step: 11
In the next step we need to make a layer after selecting the hard brush and we need to create some of the dots into you canvas. we also need to include a simple star would be look interesting that we have some option of start duplicating, scaling rotating. We can apply various levels of transparency to cover the most areas of the canvas.
Step: 12
We have to save the picture as Jpg or as PNG format Now in the final step we have to give the picture a more sharp look by giving it some light noise to the picture after loading the picture.
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