Step: 1
In this we step we need to to trace around the woman and there are lot of ways available to cut out selection but in this tutorial we are using the pen tool. Now after carefully completed the selection you need to zoom about 200% and this is the best way to do this accurately. After that you have to replace the layer by right clicking ( ctrl + click ) on the layer. Then with the selection active you will select it by using the magic wand. Next you have to click the woman along with the original layer then you will have to cut and paste in to the new layer and rename the layer as 'MODEL'. Now in order to have only model layer you need to delete the background and color fill layer.
Step: 2
In this step you have to fill the layer with a light blue color after creating the new one, then we need to drag it right behind the model we that we only have the background color visible. Now you have to rename the layer as 'Background Light Blue'. Now you need to create another new layer , and this time by using the gradient linear you need to fill up with a bright orange an vivid pink color which would be similar to the model's headscarf and dress. Now with 100% transparency we need to change the layer mode to screen.
Step: 3
Now we need to duplicate the orange/pink gradient layer. Now with the use of settings on movie prime at 184% you need to add a lens flare effect in the top right hand side of the picture. Next you need to change the layer mode to Hard light.
Step: 4
Now the time has come to add some of the brush effects: With transparency 20% You have to begin with a large soft orange brush (diameter approx 345 pixels). Next on the left hand side above the model's dress we need to make some random marks.
next we need to set the layer mode to 100% overlay with renaming the layer 'Orange Brush' Then we need to duplicate the layer.
Step: 5
Now all you have to do is to repeat the process which you have done in step 5 after creating the New layer. Now you need to take a bright pink brush and you will spray some marks just behind the model's neck. Now with the mode set to screen you have to use a light pink brush on a separate layer and need to make some of the random marks.
In the end you need to use a large brush with soft white color (500 pixels diameter; 20% opacity) and you need to spray carefully on the right hand side of the model, now slowly you can build up the color.
Step: 6
In this step you need to make a new color balance adjustment layer above the model. You also need to invert the selection so It Looks Black. Next you need to set the mid tone level as follows : R = -52, G = +75, B = -49. Now you by using the soft brush you need to click on mask again and you can slowly mask out some small areas around the model's face.
Step: 7
Now with the mid tone levels set to R = -43, G = -55, B = +100, you need to make another color balance layer. Now as we did before in the previous step this time we will use harder brush in the same areas of the mask.
Step: 8
If you want to add more depth to the color range, then you can add a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer direct below the model layer, with the colorized box checked (Hue 22, Saturation 42, Lightness -20). The great thing about the adjustment layers you can change whenever you can or edit using the mask without interfering with the original model layer.
Step: 9
Now next you need to make some of the duplicate layers of the model the you have sized up before by 150 to 200 %. Now next you need to mask out unwanted areas after creating a layer mask on each of the duplicate layer, like the body and shoulders. Next we have to rename each of the layer to ‘Model 1’ and ‘Model Blur’ now after re size them
( give the ‘Model Blur’ layer a Gaussian blur of eight pixels set to Screen layer mode ). In the end you need to place all these layers right above the ‘White Brush’ layer.
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