Step: 1
First of all you have to choose the suitable photo then open it in
photoshop, or you want to use the photo which am using in the given
image. You can download it from here.
Step: 2
Give the photo bleached look and a faded. Go to layer > new adjustment layer
> curves then alter blue, red and RGB curves as you can see in the shown
figure. It will look like as shown in the given photo.
Step: 3
To drop the contrast to make the look more clear, go to layer > new adjustment layer > levels now output value should be set to 42.
Step: 4
go to layer > new adjustment layer > Color Balance. Go to mid tones, change
level of magenta green to -8. To create shadows change 3 levels to -11
-2 and +25, highlights should be set to -25, 21 and +12. We have increased the redness and magenta levels.
Step: 5
Please notice that the image should not look so bright, high contrast will give the image a smooth and dynamic look. Dull down the dynamic look and take back some contrast.
Then go to Layer > new adjustment layer and select the hue > saturation. You will see colorize option make sure its ticked, Set the saturation to 37, hue to 28 and lightness to -10.
Step: 6
The effect we have done in step 5 it gives a sepia effect.
Make sure the layer mask is active in adjustment layers.
Select the brush tool or press the button B on your
keyboard and start painting with a soft black brush over
her face and also paint over the bubble. You will get
these areas with full color, image will retains the sepia.
Step: 7
Duplicate all the layers by selecting all layers with
hold down ( Ctrl + A ). Then got o layers > duplicate the
layer. Now merge the layers by pressing the following
buttons Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E or simply right click
on layers and select merge layers.
Select the layer which we have merged, go to image > adjustments > Desaturate, use Gaussian blur with the radius of 20 px.
Go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur. Final thing to do is now change the blending mode to soft light, set the opacity to 100%.
Step: 8
As we have done in step 7 duplicate the layer. Now merge the layers by pressing the following
buttons Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E or simply right click on layers and select merge layers.
Use Gaussian blur with the radius of 20 px. Go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur. Now set the blending mode of this
new layer to screen. Select the eraser tool (E) now erase the areas over the model hand and face and the bubble.
Step: 9
Create a new layer and change the blending mode to linear
burn to 30% opacity. Fill the layer with black using paint
tool. Now select brush tool with a soft white brush, begin
to paint the layer over layer center to create a
transparent effect. Remember to use the pic as shown above.
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